Our Vision
We envision Cornerstone Presbyterian Church to be an equipping and worshipping community of believers devoted to moving people towards Christ as we are compelled by grace to proclaim the gospel in word and deed in every aspect of our lives.
What We Believe
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church is a community of people who have discovered that true fulfillment in life is found in a loving relationship with Jesus Christ. It is through knowing him that our lives can have meaning and purpose. At Cornerstone, we believe that the answers to life’s questions are found in God’s Word. The Bible is our only infallible authority regarding what we are to believe and how we are to live.
The Bible teaches that men and women were created in the image of God to be in fellowship with God. However, humanity broke that relationship by rebelling against God.
God is a loving God who desires to have fellowship with his people, but he is also just and holy, which means he cannot let sin go unpunished. So God sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to become a man, live a perfect life, and die on the cross to pay the penalty of sin for his people. It is through trusting in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord that fellowship with God is restored.
Our Values
Worship is central in the life of the believer and the local church. Worship is not only for Sunday morning, but is integral to the daily life and gathering of the church.
Biblical worship is theocentric and emphasizes God’s character, sovereignty, and redemptive work. The worship service reflects this in its intentional liturgy.
Cornerstone desires to facilitate authentic corporate and family worship that flows as a response to the grace of God, giving glory, honor and praise to God
A true understanding of God's grace and love compels each Christian to obey Christ in fulfilling the Great Commission and in being a conduit of grace and love to others.
Responding to grace is not about an external sense of duty, but an overflow of gratitude for God’s mercy to sinners saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
Cornerstone is a place where believers deepen their understanding of their identity in Christ as beloved adopted sons and daughters, and live daily out of that truth.
We believe the Christian life is best lived in community. We are not meant to live in isolation, which is why belonging together and living out the “one anothers” of Scripture is essential to the life of the church.
At Cornerstone, this means that we desire to see ministry take place through teams, including the session, diaconate, and ministry teams.
Discipleship in community means that Christians are equipped by the church to do the work of ministry. This means people understand their giftedness and utilize those gifts in the body of Christ.
Cornerstone seeks to equip each person to understand and share their faith where they live, work, and play.
Cornerstone desires to impact local communities so they rejoice in our presence because we are active in making the gospel known in the unique contexts God has placed us.
Cornerstone actively addresses the brokenness of our community and ministers accordingly in Word (what we say) and Deed (what we do).
Cornerstone is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America. Our theological beliefs are summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith, which is the official theological document of our denomination.
You can find us on the Gospel Coalition Church Finder.