Easter 2025


Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 5, from 1-3pm at Upper Saucon Park

Rain Date: Saturday, April 12 from 1-3pm

Join us for an egg hunt, fun and games, snacks, bounce house, and more.

24-Hour Fast & Break-the-Fast Service

Fast begins Sunday, April 13, at 6pm
Elder-led Prayer: 6pm, midnight, 6am, noon

Break-the-Fast Service & Meal: Monday, April 14, at 6pm at Cornerstone

Join us for a time of prayer and praise in the sanctuary as we conclude our 24-hour fast. Communion will be served with a light meal to follow.

Childcare not provided but children are welcome.

Good Friday Service

Friday, April 18, at 7pm at Cornerstone

(Nursery provided for 3 and under)

Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 20, at 9am and 11am.

There will be an Easter lunch following the second service. More information to come.